Creating a Book
All books are created from your Dashboard using the Book Wizard.

- The Book Wizard will open, asking for the title of the book. This is the only required information. Once you have entered a title, you can complete the wizard by clicking on the 'Create' button now or during any of the remaining steps.
- Optionally, you can continue to through the remaining four steps of the wizard, which are: entering a description for your book; choosing a copyright license; uploading an image to accompany the description of the book in Booktype; and choosing whether or not the book should initially be hidden from others on your Booktype server. All of these items can be entered or changed later.
- Once you press Create you will be redirected to the book's Info page.
- You can always access your books from your Dashboard. Your books are listed under the My Books tab (on your Dashboard) as well as in the list of My Books.
Note: Booktype will not let you create two books with the same name.