The publication object is set at the beginning of the main template, based on the request URL. This object can be changed using the set_publication function. The publication object has the following properties:
- name: publication name
- identifier: publication identifier in the Newscoop database (integer value)
- default_language: the publication default language - object of type Language
- site: publication site
- defined: boolean value (true/false) - true if the publication was set in the current environment; false otherwise
- public_comments: true if the public (anonymous readers) are allowed to post comments
- moderated_comments: true if the comments posted by the current reader will be moderated
- captcha_enabled: true if CAPTCHA will be used to detect spam
- subscription_currency: returns the currency used for subscription payments
- subscription_time_unit: returns the time unit (day, week, month, year) used to set the subscription length
- subscription_trial_time: returns the default time of the trial subscription in time units
- subscription_paid_time: returns the default time of the paid subscription in time units
- subscription_time: returns the default time of the subscription in time units; the subscription type should be defined through request parameters in the user form (see the chapter "Subscription form" )
- subscription_unit_cost: returns the cost of the time unit for the paid subscription, for a single translation of the publication
- subscription_unit_cost_all_lang: returns the cost of the time unit for the paid subscription for all translations of the publication
For more details on these attributes see also the chapter "Creating a Publication" in Newscoop for Journalists and Editors.