The issue object is set at the beginning of the main template, based on the request URL. This object can be changed using the set_issue function. The issue object has the following properties:
- name: issue name
- number: issue identifier in the Newscoop database (integer value)
- <date_attribute>: issue publish date field (year, month, day etc.)
- date: the issue publish date; you can customize the date display format by using the filter camp_date_format (see the chapter "Date and e-mail formatting")
- publish_date: alias of date
- template: the full path of the issue template file
- publication: the publication to which this issue belongs (see the chapter "Publication")
- language: the issue language (see the chapter "Language")
- url_name: the issue name used in URL display (see the chapter "Creating An Issue" in Newscoop for Journalists and Editors)
- defined: boolean value (true/false) - true if the issue was set in the current environment; false otherwise
- is_current: true if the issue set in the environment was the latest published issue
- is_published: true if the issue has been and is currently published; false otherwise
<date_attribute> may be one of the following:
- year: year as a number (four digits)
- mon: month as a number (1..12)
- mday: day of the month as a number (1..31)
- yday: day of the year (1..366)
- wday: day of the week as a number (0=Sunday..6=Saturday)
- hour: hour (0..23)
- min: minute (two digits)
- sec: seconds (two digits)
- mon_name: name of the month
- wday_name: day of the week