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Newscoop 4.2 Cookbook

Search form

Form Search


Generate the search form and data fields for searching keywords in published articles. By default the search action is performed in the current publication only.


{{ search_form [template="<template_name>"] submit_button="<button_name>"
               [button_html_code="<html_code>"] }}
{{ /search_form }}
  • <template_name> is the name of the next template to be requested from the search form
  • <button_name> is the name of the button for submitting the form
  • html_code: you can insert whatever HTML code you want in the <form> statement; for example: {{ user_form .. html_code="id=\"my_id\"" }}
  • button_html_code: you can insert whatever HTML code you want in the button input field statement; such as: {{ user_form .. button_html_code="id=\"my_submit_id\"" }}

The list of instructions may contain any instruction allowed in the current context.

Setting the search scope: whether to search in all publications, in the current publication, in the current issue or in the current section. Insert the following field in the search form:

{{ camp_select object="search" attribute="level" }}


Can not be used within itself (e.g. search in search).

Edit Search


Generates a text input field so that a reader can search for articles on your site. This statement should be used inside the search form.


{{ camp_edit object="search" attribute="<attribute>"
                             [size ="<field_length>"] }}


<attribute> being one of the following:

  • keywords: allows search keywords input
  • start_date: select only articles published starting on the selected date
  • end_date: select only articles published up to the selected date


The search edit field can be used only inside the search form.

Select Search


Generates a check box or a pop-up list for selecting the search mode or the search level respectively. This statement should be used inside the search form.


{{ camp_select object="search" attribute="<attribute>"
                               [html_code="<HTML_code>"] }}


<attribute> being one of the following:

  • mode: if checked, the search will return articles that contain all entered keywords; if not checked, it will return articles that contain at least one keyword
  • level: allows the reader to select the scope of the search: multiple publications, publication, issue, section
  • section: select only articles that are in the given section
  • issue: select only articles that are in the given issue


The select search field can only be used inside the search form.

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