Sourcefabric Manuals

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Newscoop 4.1 für Journalisten und Redakteure

Support feedback

When you logged into Newscoop for the first time, you may have seen a pop-up window asking for your permission to send feedback data to Sourcefabric. This data about your server installation helps Sourcefabric to improve Newscoop. Later, you can click Support on the Configure menu to review or change the support feedback settings.

If you do not wish to send feedback data, click the Remind me in 1 week button. This action sets the Current status: message to You are NOT sending daily statistics. If you clicked the Yes, help Newscoop button, support data will be collected from your server according to the Sourcefabric privacy policy, which you can read online by clicking the link.

If you wish to review the data before sending it to Sourcefabric, you can do this by clicking the link Show feedback data to be sent. This action expands the pop-up window to show the data for your installation. You can scroll down inside the window to see all of the data.


There has been error in communication with Booktype server. Not sure right now where is the problem.

You should refresh this page.