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Booktype 2.3 for Authors and Publishers

Manual upgrade on GNU/Linux

If your Booktype instances have been installed manually via git, you can upgrade them at any time by following changes in the Booktype git repository. Don't forget to commit or stash any local modifications to your instances before pulling from the origin. Also, if you have installed libraries using a virtualenv you would need to make sure it is activated.

First, change to the directory where Booktype sources were downloaded, and update them from the relevant branch, which would normally be master:

cd /usr/local/src/booktype/
sudo git pull origin master

Change to the directory that contains the instance you wish to upgrade:

cd /var/www/booktype/instance1/

Switch to the user which runs the Apache web server, and perform the migration. If you are running the production profile, you will also need the compress step used in the original installation:

sudo su www-data
./ migrate --fake-initial
./ update_permissions
./ update_default_roles
./ collectstatic --noinput
./ compress

Finally, restart the Celery workers and reload the Apache configuration:

sudo supervisorctl restart all
sudo service apache2 reload

Changes in requirements

When upgrading to a new release of Booktype, it may be necessary to update library dependencies from one of the 'requirements' files associated with Booktype profiles. To do this, repeat the 'pip install' step carried out when you originally installed Booktype. For example, in the case of the production profile:

sudo pip install -r /usr/local/src/booktype/requirements/prod.txt

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