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Template library

List of latest comments

The Newscoop internal statistics mechanism keeps track of the latest comments, and this mechanism can be used to create a list of the ten most recent comments on the site for all articles. The following code snippet is taken from The New Custodian's front page, from the sub-template _tpl/sidebar-most.tpl

Here is a screenshot:

This code snippet will:

  • List five articles, ordered by the latest comment, in descending order - regardless of the issue or section 
  • Set a constraint so that the article type is 'news'
  • Point to the latest comment for that article
  • List the nickname given by a commenter on a comment (with 'not registered' mark if user is not logged in, or with the link created of username to his profile page, is commenter was logged in)
  • Combine that with the name of the article they're commenting on, with link to full article page
{{ list_articles length="5" ignore_issue="true" ignore_section="true" order="byLastComment desc" constraints="type is news" }}

<li>{{ list_article_comments length="1" order="bydate desc"}}<b>{{ if $gimme->comment->user->identifier }}
<a href="http://{{ $gimme->publication->site }}/user/profile/{{ $gimme->comment->user->uname|urlencode }}">{{ $gimme->comment->user->uname }}</a>
{{ else }}
{{ $gimme->comment->nickname }} {{ #anonymous# }}
{{ /if }}</b>{{ /list_article_comments }} on <a href="{{ uri options="article" }}">{{ $gimme->article->name }}</a></li>
{{ /list_articles }}

Here is another example which will do the following:

  • List the ten most recent comments, regardless of article
  • Order the comments by date, in descending order
  • Provide the URI for the comment and the article's name
  • Return the count of article comments
  • Return an excerpt of the article comments, truncated to 400 characters
  • Return the date and time the comment was posted
{{list_article_comments length="10" ignore_article="true" order="byDate desc"}}
    <a href="{{url}}#comments">{{$gimme->article->name}}</a><sup>{{$gimme->article->comment_count}}</sup>
    <p>{{$gimme->comment->content|truncate:400}} <span>{{$gimme->comment->submit_date|camp_date_format:"%H:%i"}}</span></p>

Finally, here is a similar, but more limited approach. We will:

  • List the ten most recently-commented articles, ordered by last comment, in descending order, regardless of the issue and section they were published in
  • Return the article's URI
  • Return the article's name
  • Return the count of comments for the article
{{ list_articles length="10" order="byLastComment desc" ignore_issue="true" ignore_section="true" }}
  <a href="{{ url }}#comments">{{ $gimme->article->name }}</a><sup>{{ $gimme->article->comment_count }}</sup>
{{ /list_articles }}

To learn more about listing comments for one specific article and providing the comment form, read the chapter on Article Comments.

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