If your Newscoop server is hosted by Sourcefabric, installation will be taken care of by the Newscoop team, and so you do not need to read the following chapters.
If you are upgrading a previous installation of Newscoop on your own server, please read the chapter Backup and upgrade before you begin.
Newscoop can be installed on any standard GNU/Linux distribution which can provide the Apache web server and PHP 5.3 or later. These distributions include Debian 8.0 (Jessie), Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty), and Red Hat Enterprise 7.1 (Maipo). Installation instructions for these supported distributions are in the following chapters.
A MySQL server (version 5.5.3 or later) must be available for Newscoop to use, although this need not be installed on the same server as Newscoop itself. See the chapter MySQL installation for details.
Installation of a mail server, such as Postfix, is optional, because Newscoop can be configured to send notification emails via a remote SMTP server. This setting is mentioned in the chapter System preferences.
After Newscoop is installed for the first time, a browser wizard enables you to set database connection parameters and the default administrator password. This wizard is covered in the chapter Installation steps.