Example plugin repository is in newscoop organization - https://github.com/newscoop/Plugin-ExamplePluginBundle.
The whole plugin system (installation/management) is based on Composer packages. Packages can live on github.com or your own private git repositories but they must be listed on packagist.org or privately owned composer repositories as long as they are based on satis.
The whole management process should be done through our Newscoop\Services\PluginsManagerService class. Importantly this way we allow for developers to react on installation, remove, update events, and more in their plugins.
php application/console plugins:install "newscoop/example-plugin-bundle"
The "Install" command will add your package to your composer.json file and install it. This command will also fire the "plugin.install" event with the parameter plugin_name in event data.
For more information check our wiki: http://docs.sourcefabric.org/projects/newscoop-plugins/en/latest/