Generate the form and default data fields for article comment submission. Inside the form camp_edit statements can be used to generate article comment input fields.
{{ comment_form [template="<template_name>"] submit_button="<submit_button_name>" [preview_button="<preview_button_name>"] [html_code="<html_code>"] [button_html_code="<html_code>"] }} <list_of_instructions> {{ /comment_form }}
Generates text fields so that a user can enter a comment. This statement should be used inside the comment form.
{{ camp_edit object="comment" attribute="<attribute>" [html_code="<HTML_code>"] [size ="<field_length>"] [columns="<max_columns>"] [rows="<max_rows>"] }}
<attribute> being one of the following:
The attributes reader_email, subject and content are mandatory in each Edit Comment form.
Note: the columns and rows parameters were implemented starting with Newscoop version 3.2.2.
The comment edit field can only be used inside the comment form.
Generates a text field allowing the user to input the CAPTCHA code for spam control. This statement should be used inside the comment form.
{{ camp_edit object="captcha" attribute="code" [html_code="<HTML_code>"] [size ="<field_length>"] }}
"captcha_image_link" will insert the link for the CAPTCHA image. Use inside an "img" HTML tag as follows:
<img src="{{ captcha_image_link }}">
{{ captcha_image_link }}