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Airtime 2.5 for Broadcasters

Expert install

These quick install steps are suitable for experienced GNU/Linux system administrators who have already followed the steps shown in the chapter Preparing the server earlier in this book. For a more detailed explanation of the steps below, please read the chapter Automated installation.

1. Edit the repositories file for your server:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

For Ubuntu Precise [or Quantal, Raring, Saucy] servers, use the Sourcefabric repository:

deb precise main

substituting precise if appropriate. Make sure you have enabled the multiverse repository for MP3 encoding support:

deb precise multiverse

For Debian wheezy [or squeeze] servers, use the Sourcefabric repository:

deb wheezy main

If using Debian squeeze, also enable the backports repository for MP3 encoding support:

deb squeeze-backports main

2. Install the Sourcefabric package signing key, then update again:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sourcefabric-keyring
sudo apt-get update

3. Install the database management system (for a single server configuration):

sudo apt-get install postgresql

4. Install the streaming media server (optional, it may be remote):

sudo apt-get install icecast2

5. Remove PulseAudio, if installed:

sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio

6. Install Airtime:

sudo apt-get install airtime

Refer to the Configuration chapter for configuration options. Now you should be able to log in to the Airtime administration interface, as shown in the Getting started chapter.